The Choir Museum in Stroncone

The ancient Church of the Madonna del Gonfalone, located in the highest part of the village of Stroncone, not only houses paintings from the 16th and 17th centuries, but also the Choir Museum.

Here one can admire the valuable 14th-century codices beautifully illuminated on parchment, coming from the collegiate churches of San Michele Arcangelo and San Nicolò and discovered in 1883 by the historian Luigi Lanzi. Of considerable importance as far as musical palaeography is concerned, they possess an equally artistic value by presenting pictorial and historiated capital letters, some of which can be attributed, according to some art historians, to the Master of the Dormitio Virginis, the same artist who painted part of the frescoes in the church of St Peter in Terni. The preservation of the hymnals testifies to a long local tradition of Gregorian chants that were kept alive from the Middle Ages until the 19th century.

The museum can be visited on request by contacting the Municipality of Stroncone. Admission is free. 

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