Mi amerò lo stesso (I will still love myself)
Paola Turci on the Secci stage with a show that combines theater and music
The associations Argoo and Terni Città Futura have organized for Feb. 23 at 9 p.m. at the Sergio Secci Theater "the Valentine's Day Concert," using the arts to express the complexity of emotions. Paola Turci will bring to the stage the musical show "Mi amerò lo stesso" where she tells her audience, not only in the first person but also through people she has met throughout her life, to whom she lends her voice. It is a narrative in which the artist wants to bare her soul, with a light and funny register, in which reality is mixed with dreams and inevitably dreams become part of life. The main thread of this narrative will be her songs.
Tickets on sale throug: www.concertodisanvalentino.com, the TicketItalia circuit and in Terni at New Sinfony.