Museum Tours
If you are an art and culture enthusiast, you cannot miss the museum itineraries that will take you on a journey of discovery through fascinating places and extraordinary works of art
City museum itineraries offer a unique experience where art, history and culture come together to create an unforgettable journey.
One of the absolute must-see points of interest is CAOS - Centro Arti Opificio Siri, a cultural hub located in the city centre.
This unique space, spanning an area of 6000 square metres, includes the “Aurelio De Felice” Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, the Claudia Giontella Archaeological Museum, national and international temporary exhibitions, creative workshops, the Secci Theatre and much more. CAOS represents a true meeting place for art and culture lovers.
Among the various attractions offered by CAOS, the "Aurelio de Felice" Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art is a place not to be missed. Here, you will find a vast collection of art, with a special focus on local artists. The ground floor of the museum is dedicated to 20th-century and contemporary art, featuring works by Italian, European and local artists. The first floor instead houses the Civic Art Gallery, showcasing masterpieces of ancient art, paintings by renowned artists and a collection of prints signed by key figures of 20th-century European art. You will be immersed in modern and contemporary art, discovering local artists and admiring valuable works of art.

Il Museo archeologico Claudia Giontella ti proporrà un percorso attraverso quasi duemila anni di storia. Nelle prime sale troverai esposti i materiali più antichi emersi nel territorio, per passare poi ai ricchi corredi delle necropoli delle Acciaierie e di San Pietro in Campo, databili tra il X ed il V sec. a.C. La tua visita proseguirà arrivando al contesto sacro di Monte Torre Maggiore, punto di contatto ideale tra la fase umbra e l’arrivo dei Romani.
Nella seconda parte del museo, il ricco corpus epigrafico, gli elementi architettonici, i rilievi scultorei e la statuaria illustreranno l'articolazione sociale e l'organizzazione politica della città romana, chiamata Interamna Nahars, fino all’avvento del Cristianesimo e alla successiva caduta dell'Impero.
Le installazioni di realtà virtuale e aumentata che arricchiscono il percorso renderanno la tua visita al museo archeologico di Terni indimenticabile e coinvolgente.
Another essential stop on your museum tour is the Diocesano e Capitolare Museum, located in the heart of Terni, near the cathedral. This museum houses sacred works of art from churches, chapels, oratories, convents and monasteries in the diocese. You can admire paintings, altarpieces, sculptures and liturgical objects that testify to the artistic richness and diversity of the region. Divided into two sections, the museum offers an overview of religious patronage from the 15th to the 17th century as well as the presence of contemporary artists in the region. Among the works not to be missed are the altarpiece by Martin Stellaert, the Circumcision by Livio Agresti and the Resurrection of Lazarus attributed to the workshop of Guercino. This museum is a journey through faith and art, offering a unique perspective on the history and culture of the region.
Proseguendo il tuo percorso, ti suggeriamo di visitare la Mostra permanente di Paleontologia, situata nell'ex Chiesa di San Tommaso nel centro della città. Qui potrai ammirare interessanti collezioni paleontologiche, tra cui fossili di invertebrati marini provenienti dai sedimenti pliocenici dell'Umbria sud-occidentale e fossili di vertebrati plio-pleistocenici rinvenuti in varie località del famoso 'Bacino Tiberino'. Questa mostra ti permetterà di viaggiare indietro nel tempo, scoprendo la storia della vita sulla Terra attraverso i fossili e le testimonianze del passato.
Prendi il tuo tempo per esplorare questi luoghi straordinari, lasciandoti affascinare dalle opere d'arte e dalle storie che raccontano.


The archaeological exhibition is divided into two different sections, pre-Roman and Roman, which tell the story of what was to become the centre of Interamna Nahars in the Roman period, the current city of Terni.

The Museum arises from the fusion of the Municipal Art Gallery, previously located at Palazzo Gazzoli and a new area dedicated to contemporary art.

The Diocesan and Capitular Museum was created with the primary purpose of safeguarding, making use of and enhancing the historical, artistic and cultural heritage of the Diocese of Terni-Narni-Amelia.

Umbria, its geological transformation and the animals that populated the territory up to 300 000 years ago are at the centre of the Paleolab museum itinerary.