To 18 May
Cantamaggio 2024
To 18 May
From 29 April to 18 May many events to celebrate the arrival of spring
The Cantamaggio is a popular festival that dates back to the late 19th century and is part of the seasonal rites that celebrated the return of Spring with the awakening of nature after the rigours of winter and thus, metaphorically, the return of physical vitality.
The custom was that a group of young people, 'the maggiaioli', i.e. bearers of the 'maggio' (a
twig of yellow flowers from which they hung a lamp post) would go from house to house,
singing stornelli, receiving eggs, food or money in exchange, after which they would plant the
twig on the ground as a sign of prosperity.
With the passage of time, the festival has taken on different characteristics and features: today it is a festival of popular folklore animated by themed 'floats' and the entire town, the districts, schools and neighbouring villages are involved in this kermis.
Monday 29 April, 9.30 p.m. - Secci Theatre
12th Maggiaiole 'Giuseppe Capiato' Song Contest
Tuesday 30 April, 9 p.m. - streets of the town centre
Parade of allegorical floats
Wednesday 01 May, 4.30 p.m. - Piazza Europa and town streets
Street Band Girlesque (women-only touring music group)
May floats award ceremony
Thursday 02 May
4 p.m. - BCT, "Alighiero Maurizio" poetry competition in dialect
9 p.m. - P.zza Europa, Ricantamaggio of yesterday and today
Friday 03 May, 9 p.m. - P.zza Europa
Musical show from the 70s, 80s, 90s
Saturday 04 May
3.30 p.m. - streets of the town centre
Maggiaioli are not become, parade of mini-carts made by preschool and and primary schools of Terni. Followed by travelling shows
9 p.m. P.zza Europa, Musical performance
Sunday 05 May, 3.30 pm - Piazza Europa and streets of the centre
Gathering of folk music bands with majorettes and show by Stefano De Majo
Saturday 18 May, 5:30 p.m. - ECT Headquarters via Papa Zaccaria, 2
Drawing of the "Cantamaggio Ternano 2024" lottery
At the end of the float parade on 30 April, the floats will be displayed in the car park of Palazzo
Pierfelici and in P.zza Ridolfi until 5 May, during these days every afternoon various
various shows will be organised in the exhibition area every afternoon.
In the event of rain, the parade of floats will be postponed to Saturday 4 May and the awards ceremony on 5 May 2024.